Our Publications

Geneva Declaration Dialogue, English

Geneva Declaration Dialogue, English... Read More

International Cultural Symposium 2018

International Cultural Symposium 2018... Read More

Lebanese National Security Strategy

Lebanese National Security Strategy... Read More

Stop Incitement, and to dialogue

Stop Incitement, and to dialogue... Read More

Moderation Pact to Build a State in Lebanon

Moderation Pact to Build a State in Lebanon... Read More

Moderation Pact to Build a State - 3 Languages

Moderation Pact to Build a State - 3 Languages... Read More

Justice Uprising 2019 In Lebanon - Diaries of events and situations - October 17 uprising

Justice Uprising 2019 In Lebanon - Diaries of events and situations - October 17 uprising... Read More

9th Publication

Public opinion between advertising and media... Read More

8th Publication

Book under the title of: Studies done in the field of: Crises information and dialogue; Security information; Humanitarian law in conflicts... Read More

Speech of Dr. Ali Awad

Speech of Dr. Ali Awad in the scientific symposium on the book: Studies done in the filed of: Crises information and dialogue, Security information, Humanitarian law in conflicts.... Read More

7th Publication

Media and Public Opinion (Dar Bissan - Beirut first edition 2009 / second edition 2010).... Read More

6th Publication

The law of Armed Conflicts (The international humanitarian law) - the President and Commander-guide (Dar Al-Mouallef - Beirut, 2004).... Read More

5th Publication

Excessive Violence - The law of armed conflicts and human rights (Dar Al-Mouallef - Beirut 2001).... Read More

4th Publication

Propaganda and Public Opinion - The content and forms of the war in Lebanon and the Gulf - international experiences (Karki Press - Beirut 1993).... Read More

3rd Publication

Security in The Media.... Read More

2nd Publication

International Criminal Court; Dream, Then Reality.. Then Dream.... Read More

1st Publication

Night Embers (Karki Press - Beirut 1990).... Read More