Affiliation Method

  • The one in whom conditions of membership were found applies with a written statement requesting his desire to join the center, accompanying it by his judicial record and a copy of his identity or his individual output restriction with two photographs.
  • The administrative board considers in the first legal hearing the application and the documents attached to it and then takes, by the majority of its members, the right decision.

Affiliation to the Center

Whoever seeking affiliation to the center has to:

  • Be at least of 21 years old.
  • Enjoy all of his civil rights and should not be convicted of a felony or misdemeanor.
  • Accept the regulation of the association and work in the aim of achieving its objectives.
  • Holder of a doctorate to be capable of doing the research work specialized in one of the center’s branches, or to have the required competence to carry out the task of one of the branches of the center.

The Financial Resources

The financial resources of the center are:

  • Membership dues.
  • Government assistance.
  • Donations, gifts and bequests and it is a vital requirement that the objectives of the sides offering them should not be conditional or contradicting to the objectives offered by the center.
  • Preparation proceeds of the scientific research, studies and organization of scientific conferences either by oneself or associating with others as well as the scientific training services.

Chairman of The Center

Dr. Ali Najib Awad

Chairman of the center