Chairman’s Tasks:

  • Developing the center’s policy and working mechanisms.
  • Identifying and organizing the cooperation with various agencies, organizations, departments, scientific research centers as well as educational, cultural and cognitive institutions etc.
  • Identifying the topics of strategic studies and researches as well as the scientific and cognitive activities.
  • Setting the center’s plans and annual program of its activities.
  • Adopting the resources mentioned in Article VI as well as identifying and tracing their administrative movements.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the performance of the center and the administrative board.
  • Representing the center before the government.

Dr. Ali Awad's CV:

  • Born in Jbeil, Lebanon.
  • PhD / "Information and Communication Sciences" / Sorbonne / Paris - 2.
  • Lecturer / Lebanese University - Faculty of Information and Documentation, Command and Staff College, Military College and the Institute of Internal Security Forces (Lebanon). Visiting Lecturer / International Institute for Humanitarian Law in San Remo (Italy), the Institute of Information Sciences and Communication / Nuchetl University (Switzerland) and the University of Naif Arab Academy for Security Sciences (Riyadh).
  • A member of the commission on setting the history of the Lebanese army and its codification, user experts in international humanitarian law in the Arab world, the Lebanese Writers' Union, the Dubai Press Club, and the International Institute of Humanitarian Law in San Remo / Italy.
  • Member of the board of directors of the international society for international humanitarian law in Brussels / Belgium.
  • A member of the preparatory committee for national dialogue / Presidency of the republic of Lebanon.
  • Chairman of the committee on the application of humanitarian law in Lebanon (2002).
  • President of the center for military strategic researches - Department of defense / Lebanon (2001-2003).
  • President of the international center for strategic researches and information - Beirut.
  • A candidate for the Hague Prize for humanitarian law (2008).
  • Official representative of Lebanon in international conferences about humanitarian law in conflicts.
  • Lecturer at conferences and scientific seminars and academic and cultural fields of science, information and communication and the culture of dialogue and humanitarian law in Lebanon and the Arab countries, Europe and the General Secretariat of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers.
  • Publication of studies and research and scientific articles in the fields of information and communication sciences and culture of dialogue and humanitarian law, and the role of parliaments in the oversight of security policies.
  • Served as an officer in the Lebanese army to the rank of General Brigadier
  • Earned seven national decorations.
  • Issued 8 books.